Author, Survivor, Speaker, Literary Killer.
My Kids
It goes without saying that I love all my fans and all the kiddos and teens (and adults) who read my books--but there is an extra special place in my heart for my TWI (Teen Writer's Institute) kids. These guys put up with my for at least a week (sometimes two!) on the San Jose State Campus during the summer where we write our hearts out four hours a day. Every year new kids come in and originals come back and I never fail to be astounded (and occasionally frightened) by the talent, zest, and motivation that these kids display. And we come up with some pretty great novel ideas, too...
If you're in the San Francisco Bay Area and you're interested in joining TWI or one of my online writing programs, click here!
If you're an adult who wants to write, don't fret! Online classes are coming for you, too! Check back soon.